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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Meals Without Television?

Doesn't she kinds look like Debra Morgan (Jennifer Carpenter) from the TV show Dexter?  I love that show!

Mindless Eating

When at home, many of us eat in front of the computer or television.  I eat in  front of the television at home and in front of the computer at work.  I've noticed lately that at home, I am not enjoying what I am eating or what I am watching on TV. 

I enjoy picking out and cooking my meals.  I am usually excited at the thought of eating them (and hungry), but notice that I am mindlessly eating them, because I am half-watching garbage on television.  I will eat a meal in front of the television, and eat and eat and then am surprised when my plate is empty.  Why?  Because I have never really even tasted my food.  I was never really paying attention to what I was eating.  I have caught myself going for second helpings, because I don't remember eating the first helping.  Like it was gone too fast and I need to relive the experience (30 seconds after I finished).  Sick!

Today at work, I went looking for the piece of bread that came with my salad and realized that I already ate it.  Double-sick!  I never even enjoyed it.  It just went "down the hatch."

I need a change!!!

A few days ago, I decided to turn off the television programs, unless there is some thing that I really want to watch.  What to do with all the silence?  What do I do when I eat?  Won't it be too quiet?

Guess what I learned....

I have music channels (no, not MTV, VH1, or BET--those aren't music these days anyway) on my television.  The kind where you pick the music genre you like and one song plays into the next.  No commercials, just nice music.  I like it.  Glad it took me 2.5 years to recognize this.  Again, Sick!

I am much more focused at home.  I am a busybody by nature and always have many thoughts rolling around in my head. Multitasking is my way of life.  Now with the television programs gone, I notice that I finish a thought or task before I move on to the next.  I do not suffer from ADD, but I recognize that the television on in the background really did impair my thoughts.  The noise disrupted my thought process.

I also love being at home.  The flowers, the relaxing music, my Shmoopie Doopies (dogs), etc.  I have always loved my home, but now I feel that it really invigorates me, instead of being the Temple of Chores--clean, pick up, cook, laundry, etc.  My home is no longer a responsibility, but my sanctuary.

So, what do I do when I eat?

I sit at my kitchen table and enjoy my view.  I have a lovely and unobstructed view of downtown Houston.  I pay extra money for this view.  I do cherish it every day, but I never really noticed what the view from the kitchen table. 

I still eat fairly quickly, about 10 minutes, but I taste my food.  My brain registers that I am eating.  I am "present" in the moment, which also adds to the pleasure of the meal and recognition that I have eaten.  I don't go back for second helpings.  When my plate is empty, I'm done.  My thighs will thank me later!

What about when I am finished eating?

I do the little housekeeping tasks with the music on.  I don't really miss the television, because it is just noise.  Don't get me wrong, I am not selling it any day soon.  However, I am recording programs that I really enjoy and watching them when I want to and not making the television viewing another daily task on my list.

I admit that I am much more relaxed.  I think the television noise in the background of my life, really overstimulates me.  Those who know me well know that I am high energy by nature and don't need added stimulation in my life.

My next goal is to get rid of eating in front of the computer at work.  I think it will be harder than turning off the television at home.  Sigh!

I really love my new routine and will try really hard to keep it up!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Flower Power

Basil with Zinnia

I made a vow to myself about a month ago to buy fresh flowers for my home on a weekly basis. This is money well-spent. It is one of the highlights of my week.

I go to Central Market and buy a spray of flowers for my desk, a small arrangement for my kitchen and a few single flowers for bud vases in my bedroom and bathroom. I can do this for $12!!!!

Each week, I enjoy the ritual. The best part though, is the happiness I feel when I see the flowers. The flowers bring my energy up and literally make me smile. Additionally, it motivates me to keep my home tidy throughout the week.

Over the weeks, I take pictures of these flowers on my iPhone, because I just can't believe how pretty the flowers are and I just have to capture the image.  (Cheesy, I know, but I can't help it.)

In the past, I would of discarded this idea for many reasons---money, it isn't necessary, etc.  But, I feel so good when I see the flowers and they contribute to the great energy in my home and my heart.  That is why I must continue this ritual.

Enjoy the amateur pics!!  What ritual do you regularly perform to make you feel great?


Saturday, July 24, 2010

Feng Shui

A friend of mine gave me a book Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui to read. My first thought was that it is such a nice gesture. My second thought was that I know a lot about Feng Shui already. So, what could I possibly learn from this book?

I had a private Feng Shui consultation several years ago. I also own the book Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life.

Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life is technical. It speaks of the baguas, the nine energy centers of your home, and what you can do to improve the energy in those areas. It is a "how to" book. The book is a great resource and easy to read. I keep it in my library, for reference.

Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui is more conceptual and provides great advice that I must share. I found myself writing down thoughts from the book that are important reminders.

Here are some thoughts to consider:

1. The more that you can learn to trust that life will take care of you, the more life will take care of you.

2. If a material possession is taken or missing, it leaves space for another to come into your life.

3. The whole function of money is not to have it, its function is to use it. The main reason for generating money is to buy experiences. You want to end your life with zilch in the bank and a lifetime of experiences.

4. When it is time, let it go.

5. Making a point to always look good is one of the best ways you can raise your energy and to attract yourself better prosperity.

6. What you resist persists. When you stop resisting, it stops persisting.

7. If you don't like it get rid of it. It gives off energetic gloom.

8. Don't put up with giving yourself second best. When you nourish yourself by giving yourself the best you can, that signal goes out and will attract the best in other areas of your life, too.

9. Things that need fixing are an energy drain. Your subconscious mind keeps track of it. When you see it or are reminded of it, your energy drops.

10. When you care for your home by looking after it, you are loving and respecting yourself.

11. If an item does not serve you, but you keep it for sentimental reasons, take a picture of it and get rid of it!

12. If you don't like a gift, get rid of it. You can still appreciate the sentiment.

13. I freely and easily release the old and joyously welcome the new!

14.  When you are sorting your possessions/clothes, does the item lift your energy when you think about it or look at it?  Do you absolutely love it?  Is it genuinely useful?  If no, get rid of it.

15.  Anything you are keeping "just in case," you are keeping out of fear.

16.  Focus on what you want to happen rather than what you are worried will happen.  Dwell on what is wonderful in your life, so more wonderful stuff will come your way.

17.  Everything you criticize and judge about others is some thing you don't like about yourself.

18.  Just be.  It quiets the chatter and allows you to be open to higher wisdom and guidance, and greater creativity.

19.  Live in the moment.

20.  Everything our lower emotion gets upset about is a situation that our Higher Self has set up to get our attention, because some thing needs to change.

21.  Let go of your grievances and get on with your life.

22.  The higher purpose of cleaning clutter is therefore to clear the debris that prevents us from connecting with our Higher Self and with our Higher Power.

I know this is a lot to think about.  I wrote this post, so I can look back and reflect on these lessons. 

I recommend both books, because they really compliment each other.

Thanks, Anne, for lending the book to me! I didn't realize how much I had to learn. It was meant to be.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Would You Talk to a Child That Way?

Over the years, I have enjoyed reading the advice of Kris Carr of Crazy Sexy Cancer and Crazy Sexy Life. Kris's journey through cancer has been very inspiring to me. No, I am not a cancer survivor, but I think there is so much to learn from Kris, her journey and the "blog posse."

When I was living in Washington, DC, I had the opportunity to watch Kris's documentary called Crazy Sexy Cancer and attend her book tour. I met many people that are cancer survivors or undergoing treatment. I learned great lifestyle advice from them. I was even inspired to make some big changes in my diet. (More on that another time.) I have kept connected with her messages over the years via the websites and continue to learn valuable lessons.

Like most people, I often engage in negative self-talk. I'm not thin enough. I see time marching across my face. My skin is so pale, I could be an extra in the Twilight movies. There is too much wiggle in my walk. I should make more money. I need to read more and turn off the crap on tv. I need to eat less. The house isn't clean enough. etc. etc. etc. Sound familiar?

Kris has started a vlog series (video blog). All off the vlogs are great, but one really hit home. Check it out:

In the event that you don't have 5 minutes to watch, here is the summary:

Would you talk to a child the way you talk to yourself? If you have children, would you talk to your own child the way that you talk to yourself? Would you tell a child that she is fat? Or she isn't smart? Or she can't be what she wants to be? Then, why do you talk to yourself that way?

Consider keeping a photo of yourself as a child on your desk, next to your bed or even on your cell phone and think about yourself as a child when you talk negatively to yourself. (Yes, the photo above is of me.)

Remind yourself that the negative talk is not self-serving. Treat yourself like the child you once were (and the child you may have). A part of us will always be that child, right? Talk to yourself with the compassion and encouragement that you deserve and that you give a child. Self-love, not self-sabotage, right?

Think about it! It makes sense!