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Sunday, April 25, 2010

Build a Team

Even though I teach 4-5 Spinning classes a week, it is still hard to accomplish my fitness goals. Let's face it, every day life can be challenging. Full-time work, teaching, maintaining a home, raising two puppies, maintaining friendships, etc. take a lot of time and MENTAL energy.

One of my New Year's Resolutions was to start weight training again. Well, it hasn't gone so well. My intentions have been great, but I just haven't been doing it. I came to the conclusion that I just don't have the mental energy to add it to my life.

Ask For Help

I decided for my birthday that I would hire a trainer to HELP ME on a regular basis! You might be thinking---Don't you already know what to do? Yes, I do. Then, why are you paying some one to tell you what you already know?

The answer is simple, I want/need some one to take care of me and make my life a little easier. You see, I don't have to create my workout plan. I just follow his lead. I have some one that is invested in my progress. Some one to keep me honest. Some one to keep me motivated. TEAMWORK!

Don't be afraid to ask for help. From professional athletes to contestants on The Biggest Loser, they all have a team to help them. Lance Armstrong knows how to train his body, but he still has coaches to help. Overweight people know to "eat less, move more" yet they still can't seem to make a change.

Look at your life and assess where you could use some help. Ask for it. Get it.

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