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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Look Book

Not unlike most people, I find inspiration in the most mundane activities. A new song may be on the radio, and I have to add it to my next Spinning class playlist. I might smell cookies baking and have to eat one (or four). On a nice day, I must enjoy the weather and take my dogs on an extra long walk.

As far as fashion and home design go, I often find my inspiration in magazines. As I flip through my favorites, I pull out pages that inspire me. To organize these pages, I created my own "Look Book." I bought an accordion file organizer (see terrible photo above) and labeled the tabs---clothes/shoes, home, products (hair/face/body), accessories, and other/gifts. I file the pages and refer to them before I shop.

Some times, I hunt down the exact item. Other times, I find an item (like fashion trends or home decor) that is similar.

Most of the time, I just keep the images, because they make me feel good and inspired. These images are like a dream/other life or aspiration for the future.

My Look Book also doubles as a wish list. I keep pictures of items that I hope to have one day. These are "big ticket" items that I save up for or hope to acquire. (Kinda like a vision board a la The Secret? ha ha ha)

It is important to me to live an inspired life. Keep things (images, books, songs, loved ones, fragrances, textures, etc.) that inspire you close by and enjoy them. Be inspired.


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Making Water More Interesting

We have all heard about how important it is to drink water, especially for weight loss. I try very hard not to "drink" my calories. With the exception of occasional coffee drinks, I try to drink zero-calorie drinks, such as water, iced tea, diet soda, Crystal Light, etc.

Other than water, most zero-calorie drinks are full of caffeine and/or chemicals. It is important to drink these drinks in moderation--no more than 1 or 2 a day.

I love drinking sparkling water. LaCroix makes a great sparkling water in an assortment of flavors. Lemon, lime, berry, grapefruit, orange and cran-raspberry sparkling water is a nice change from plain filtered water.

To take it up a notch, add a splash of fruit juice to your sparkling water. Pomegranate, cranberry and grape are my favorites. POM Wonderful makes a variety of pomegranate juices, such a pom-blueberry, etc. Just a little splash will add a few calories to your drink, but also offers antioxidants, vitamins and great flavor.

Enjoy creating your own flavors of water!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Another Use for Over-the-Door Shoe Organizers

I got this great idea from Today's Creative Blog . I love this site!

Over-the-door shoe organizers are great for keeping your closet floors clutter-free and allows all of your shoes to be seen. I never considered using the organizer for any thing other than shoes. I was missing out. You can store any thing you want in those compartments. Duh! Such a simple and useful idea!

For me, I keep my dog leashes (and other pet supplies), keys, note pad/pen, mail (one slot for bills, another for shredding), scissors, umbrella, etc. This is a great way to keep those drawers clutter-free.

My organizer is located over the door of my laundry closet. Where are you going to put yours?


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

All Bites Count AND Calorie In, Calorie Out

I have posted about how important it is to continue to work out harder and smarter to lose weight and/or body fat. Your diet is the other component to losing weight and/or body fat.

It takes a 3,500 calorie deficit to lose 1 lb of fat! That is an average deficit of 500 calories a day to lose only 1 lb a week. This sounds really hard, right?

Here are some tips on how to cut back your calorie intake:

Get on a feeding schedule. This may sound like raising a newborn, but it works. It you feed your self every few hours, your body will adjust and your blood sugar will stay level. This will help stave off cravings. Don't skip meals.

Lay off sugary drinks. Regular soda, juice (unless it is fresh), most Starbucks drinks (check out their website for nutrition info.), whole milk, etc., bottled sweet teas, regular lemonade, hot chocolate and many other drinks are too high in calories and/or fat. Choose zero-calorie drinks. If you need a Starbucks fix, check out the calories first. Nonfat does not mean non-caloric. Would you rather eat your calories or drink them? Your choice.

Eat whole foods. This doesn't mean shop at Whole Foods. It means eat foods that are not processed. Fruit, veggies, whole grains, and (if you want) some lean meat. Your body does not need processed foods such as the popular 100 calorie snack packs. They have little nutritional value and rarely satisfy. Try a piece of fruit and a tablespoon-and-a-half of nut butter or low fat cheese; hummus and raw veggies; whole grain crackers and nut butter or cheese; raw nuts, just as examples. Remember that fruits and veggies have lower calorie counts compared to fats. Eat healthy fats, but pay attention to the portion. Go for nutrition over empty calories. Your body has no need for a Cheese Nip! (I wish it did.)

Pay attention to your portion size.This is my biggest challenge. We see super-sized portions on television, magazines and in restaurants. We think that these large sized portions of food are ideal. Restaurants often serve portions that are 2-4 times larger than recommended.

Read food labels. Pay attention to the calories, fat and fiber in comparison to the serving size. Make educated food choices.

Lay off the booze. Again, would you rather eat your calories or drink them? Drinking often leads to eating. It can be a vicious cycle.

Sleep. Tired people often mistake the need for sleep as hunger. It is said that when you are tired, your body produces ghrelin, a hormone that stimulates hunger. This makes it very hard to make good food choices. Your body needs rest and sleep to rejuvenate and lose weight. Try to get the sleep you need.

Plan your meals.Set aside time to plan all your meals/snacks for the week and food shop. Chop fruits and veggies for the week. Prepare snacks. If good food choices are readily available day-to-day, you are more likely to stay on track.

We will delve into these tips in more detail. Until then, remember that both exercise and diet contribute to the calorie deficit. You gotta do both!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Think Like An Athlete

Last night as I watched the Super Bowl, I was reminded that you always have to work harder than you currently are, if you want to continue to improve your fitness level. Athletes have to continuously train harder to compete with other athletes for a spot on the team, to beat the opposing team, to continue to be the best, to keep their endorsement deals, to compete with younger and less injured athletes, etc. They have to commit every day to diet and exercise.

If you stop working at your current intensity or quit exercising, it takes only two to three weeks for cardiorespiratory fitness to decrease. Muscular fitness appears to decrease after two to three months. The only time you can hold your current fitness pattern is if you want to stay the same.

If you want more results, you have to work harder and smarter--frequency, duration, intensity and/or change the type of activity you do. If you do the exact same workout exercise (running or spinning or elliptical machine) for the same amount of time, the same number of days a week, at the same level, you will not see continued improvement. Your fitness level will plateau.

Think like an athlete. Adjust your workout as needed to get the results you want. Change up the Frequency, Intensity, Duration, and/or Vary Your Exercise activity!

Need more motivation? The Olympic Games begin February 12!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Clothing Closet Cleaning: Step 1--Sorting Items in Your Clothing Closet

We wear 10% of our closet 90% of the time!
My guess is that the percentage would be much higher, if we could see what is in our closets. How much time do you spend standing in your closet every morning (in a rush) trying to decide what to wear? Clothing closet organization is key to starting your day off right.

One of my favorite things to do is helping people organize their clothing closets. After cleaning a clothing closet, my clients have said that they feel renewed and excited to get dressed every day. Some even say that the sorting is a cathartic experience. They are excited to "shop" their closets. Clients enjoy being reacquainted with items that were lost in the abyss of their closet.

Getting started:

Pick an item and ask yourself the following questions:

Does the item serve you? (Do you wear it? Do you have a occasion to wear it?)
If yes, keep it.
In no, give it away (to some one or charity). Start a donation pile. Make a pile for each person you are giving items to.

Does the item fit?
If yes, proceed to next question.
If no, can it be altered (taken in/let out, shortened, etc.)? If yes, put in pile for alterations.

NOTE: It is time to accept the fact that buying clothing "off the rack" and expecting it to fit you properly or well is unreasonable!! Build the cost of alterations into the cost of a garment. Our bodies are not mannequins and we are not models. You will enjoy your clothing more, if it fits your body properly. Get a good tailor and be nice to him/her. He/she will help you look your best. A good tailor will help you camouflage your trouble areas and accentuate your best.

Is the garment flattering to your body type? Check out my links to Dress for Your Body Type and Common Body Concerns for more information. When in doubt about whether a garment or outfit is flattering, ask some one.

Does the piece need to be mended or repaired?
If yes, put aside to take for alteration or shoe repair. Make note of needs to be addressed with each item.

Does it need to be washed or dry cleaned?
If yes, add to dry cleaning or dirty clothes hamper.

Is the item outdated?
If yes, can it be updated by a tailor? Keep the items and take them to your tailor. He/she will be able to advise you on what can be done. Ask how much the changes will cost. Then you can decide if it is worth updating or give away and purchase a replacement item.

Take the items for donation/give away out of the house immediately. Visit your tailor and dry cleaner ASAP.

Next week, I will address Step 2-Arranging Your Closet.

Be Balanced,