Click on the tabs to find information about my business, Shop Your Closet, the Upper Kirby Fitness Schedule, and other helpful resources!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Plant Based Proteins--Sprouted Breads

Many people are hesitant to remove meat from their diets, because they think they will not get enough protein.  However, you can get protein from sprouted grains and other plants, nuts, seeds and beans.  Alvarado Street and Food for Life make great sprouted breads, such as tortillas (more like wraps), bagels and sandwich breads.  You can find them at many high end grocery stores and health food stores.  I buy mine at Whole Foods.  They will be in the frozen food section.

These breads average about 10g protein per serving and are high in fiber.  You won't find that in Wonder Bread.  These breads do not have preservatives, so you need to keep them refrigerated or frozen, until you are ready to eat them. 

These products taste great.  You won't compromise taste for nutrition.  You don't even have to toast them.  I put hummus, bean spread, or Dijon mustard on them and load them with veggies, avocado and sunflower seeds.  Then, I sprinkle a little home made dressing on for a little kick.

Check it out

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Detox Your Body and Relieve Muscle Soreness With An Epsom Salt Soak

Epsom Salt is a great way to relieve muscle soreness and flush toxins.  You can buy a box in a pharmacy or grocery store for about $3.00. 

Epsom Salt flushes toxins and heavy metals out of your body, by relieving inflamation.  Epsom salt baths are also a natural diuretic. If you are a little backed up (you know what I mean), take a hot soak and you will be relieved in an hour or so.

Pour about 1/2 cup into a hot bath.  You can also add some essential oil, like lavender or eucalyptus, for aromatherapy.  (You can buy essential oils at Whole Foods.)  While in the bath, stretch with some seated forward bends (hamstrings); cross your ankle over your knee and bend (stretching your hip); twist your spine to one side and the other; etc.

If you are taking an epsom salt bath due to soreness, you will feel some relief within a few hours.  If you take the bath in the evening, you will feel some relief by morning.

Check it out,

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Crazy Sexy Diet

Does this look like the face of cancer?  An incurable kind?  The picture is of Kris Carr.  I saw her documentary on Discovery Health a few years ago.  It was called Crazy Sexy Cancer.  The short story is a 31 year old single woman is diagnosed with an incurable form a cancer (tumors on liver and lungs) on Valentine's Day.  Chemo and radiation don't work on this kind of cancer, so the consensus is don't put yourself through it.  Doctor says to just watch and wait.  What do you do?  You have incurable cancer and you DO NOTHING?  Kris became a treatment junkie, exploring all sorts of "treatments" to improve her health.  The documentary captured her search for a healthier life. 

At the time I saw Kris' story, I was in my early 30's and single.  I could see pieces of myself in her.  What struck me about Kris is that she looked (and still does look) vibrant.  People with cancer are supposed to look pale and ashen, too skinny, etc.  How could some one covered in tumors look so good?  Kris changed the face of cancer for me.

Also, at the time, I had been searching for a lost college friend of mine (pre-Facebook) that had survived breast cancer.  My boss' mother was also battling breast cancer, for almost 10 years.

I was searching for the answer to the question, "Why them? Couldn't it be me?"  At this time I was living in Washington, DC.  I learned that Kris was coming to town to promote her book Crazy Sexy Cancer, a book about how to navigate a cancer diagnosis.  I went to the book signing. 

At the book signing there were people young and old, survivors, those in treatment and then a few like me.  Some one asked what the Number 1 thing some one can do to improve his/her health.  The unanimous answer was DIET!

That was all I needed to hear. I contacted Melissa Klein, a holistic counselor and nutritionist.  Her company is called Sun Compass.  I cleaned up my diet!!!  I wanted to rid my diet of processed foods.  I worked really hard and loved it.  I felt great!  I kept it up for a long time, but when I moved back to Texas, I fell back on old habits....eating meat, dairy and processed foods.

Kris has a new book, Crazy Sexy Diet.  I bought it and am doing the 21 day cleanse.  You can also join the cleanse and find resources on the website Crazy Sexy Life.  The book is a lot more than the cleanse.  Check it out.

Cutting processed foods (and maybe meat and dairy) out of your diet is very challenging.  However, it can be done.  There are great resources available these days--online, groups, books, counselors, etc.  It takes a village, folks.  Ask for help!  People are willing to guide you.

Over the next few weeks, I will share some of the tips and tricks I have learned in my journey for a more healthy diet.  In the meantime, check out the book.  You will be inspired.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Heart Rate Monitor

My heart rate monitor is my most important tool, during exercise. The importance of the HR monitor is to evaluate my perceived exertion (how hard I think I am working on a scale from 1-10) versus my actual heart rate indicated on the monitor.

The American Heart Association Heart Rate Chart can help you determine your maximum heart rate.  The formula is 220 minus your age and multiply that by 85%.  That is the highest you want your heart rate to get.  (If you are in great shape, you can get your heart rate higher and feel well.)  The higher the heart rate, the more calories you will burn.  You cannot workout at your 85% for more than a minute or two.  For me, after I warm up, I like to stay around my 70-80%.  I feel good when I am working out around there.

Regardless of formulas, during exercise you want to be "breathy."  Meaning you can hear yourself breathe when you talk.  If you are breathy, you know your heart rate is up and you are exercising.

When your perceived exertion (7 or 8 out of 10) and your heart rate monitor "match" (give or take 75%) you know you are having a great workout.  Now, when your perceived exertion is very high and your heart rate is low (won't get high), it is likely that you are over-tired or getting sick. It is your body's way of telling you that it does not want expend energy on this.  You need to rest.  In my experience, if I take a day off, I will have a great workout the following day.  This is one of the more valuable uses of the heart rate monitor, for me.

The heart rate monitor keeps me honest.  When my heart rate is not where I think it should be, I know that I need to work harder.  Rarely, do I ever need to take my heart rate down.  If your heart rate is crazy high, you will know it and you will naturally back off, because you are so uncomfortable.

I have a Polar Heart Rate Monitor.  I have had one for many years now.  I like to monitor my HR and calorie burn.  When you setup the monitor, you input your height, weight, and age and the monitor does the rest.  Heart rate monitor functions vary from monitor to monitor.  Some monitors can download information to your computer, etc., etc. etc.  I'm not into that, but if it makes you motivated, do it!

I spent around $100 on my monitor.  I need to replace it (or choose to replace it) about every 4-5 years.  I workout, on average, 5x a week.  So, the cost-per-use makes the money worthwhile.

I HATE working out without my monitor.  I monitor my heart rate throughout my workout and it motivates me to keep honest and work out to the best of my ability that day.  As equally important to me, the heart rate monitor also allows me to back off, if my body is telling me via my HR monitor, that I need rest-- not exercise.

Remember, if you are in great cardiovascular shape, you probably feel comfortable exercising above your 85%.  If you are new to your exercise program, use the chart as a guideline.

If you don't have a HR monitor, get one!  You won't regret it and your heart and waistline will thank you, too.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Home Fragrance Store

One of my evening rituals is lighting a candle when I settle in for the night.  I love watching the flame and smelling the soothing fragrance.  It helps me unwind.  I find it very relaxing.

Home Fragrance Store has some AMAZING fragrances.  I bought some of at the Nutcracker Market  in Houston.  The company is located in Ft. Worth.  In addition to candles, they offer potpourri and diffusers.  The fragrances smell natural, not artificial.  Love that!

Candles are also a great aid in starting a meditation practice.  Sit cross-legged on the floor in a dark room with a lit candle in front of you.  Focus on the light of the candle.  Let you mind clear.  Stare at the flame.  When your mind wanders,  focus your intention back on the candle.  Start with 10 minutes and hopefully you can work up to 30-60 minutes a day.  You won't be sorry!!

Rituals help us stay or become grounded.  What do you do in your day to keep grounded and centered and present? 

Sunday, January 9, 2011

You Working Out?

I'm not going to lecture you on the importance and benefits of working out.  It is January 9, have you made your fitness goals?  Are you establishing your workout routine?  If yes, how is it going?  If no, what is holding you back?

As Nike says, "Just Do It!"

Friday, January 7, 2011

Egg Timer

This is ridiculous post, but I love practical kitchen tools.  I love hard-boiled eggs, but I can never remember how long to boil them for or remember to set the kitchen timer. 

I got the egg timer at Crate and Barrel a few years ago and love it.  You drop it in the boiling water along with the eggs and it changes colors and the eggs become harder.  So, it will also help, if you want soft-boiled eggs.

Love it!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Art by Paste

I love House Beautiful magazine!  I am so excited when it arrives in the mail.  I found this page and just knew I had to get a piece of my own. 

Paste makes the art out of vintage papers. There are several different themes, such as chairs, animals, portraits, fashion, etc.  This is the one that I bought....

Each piece is custom made and takes about a week to produce.

Check it out,